Quilting Calculators App

Contact Us For Support:
Contact our technical team with your questions and comments about the Quilter's Little Helper app. Your suggestions allow us to continuously improve the calculators with each release. (Please do not contact our regular customer service department.) quiltcalcs@robertkaufman.com
Patricia ONeal
Easy To Use
This app is easy to use, accurate, & filled with all kinds of quickly accessible quilting information. What more could a busy quilter need in a quilting app?
A Google User
L-O-V-E this app!
A beginning quilters dream!!!! I haven't checked the math, but it sure does have everything I need. Full explanations and diagrams for each calculator, so there's no need to guess what it is they're asking for. A God-send!!!
Tiff Winchester
awesome app
works smoothly on my galaxy phone and tab...does everything the pay apps do and more...would suggest adding a converter...one less app I would have to switch between
A Google User
Great app!
Love this app! It has never failed me.
A Google User
Best app ever in the history of apps
This is one of the best program, apps, and better than any book. Quick response accurate with great notes, easy to read and understand. If you don't have a smart phone - Robert Kaufman Fabrics and Quilter's Paradise now have given you a reason to buy one. I can't stop showing off to my quilting friends.
An Essential Tool For Quilters
Robert Kaufman Fabrics and Quilter's Paradise have joined forces to bring you this collection of essential quilting calculators. Designed by quilters, our calculators allow you to quickly convert between yards and inches, meters and centimeters; work out how much fabric you need for backing, batting and borders; and see how many rectangular pieces can be cut from a larger piece. There are even calculators for square-in-a-square, set-in and corner triangles.